・Prints of the images shown above (panel processed products) can be ordered with the following specifications.
・For pricing, please contact us using the form below.
・Also print images other than the sizes listed below, as well as images posted on our website’s Gallery page, Instagram, and other sites.
・Prices shown do not include tax and shipping charges.
プリントサイズ/Print Size
A0/ 1189 mm × 841 mm
A1/ 841 mm × 594 mm
A2/ 594 mm × 420 mm
A3/ 420 mm × 297 mm
A4/ 297 mm × 210 mm
B0/ 1456 mm × 1030 mm
B1/ 1030 mm × 728 mm
B2/ 728 mm × 515 mm
B3/ 515 mm × 364 mm
木製パネル/Wood Panel
¥ 70,000〜
¥ 45,000〜
¥ 35,000〜
¥ 13,000〜
¥ 70,000〜
¥ 45,000〜
¥ 30,000〜
Wood Panel
アルポリックパネル/Alpolic Panel
¥ 90,000〜
¥ 65,000〜
¥ 40,000〜
¥ 22,000〜
¥ 75,000〜
¥ 50,000〜
Alpolic Panel